Real estate business ideas

Real estate in Nigeria is an expanding goldmine. There are more than many ways to make money from the real estate sector. Below are helpful business tips that will help you benefit from the harvest of real estate in Nigeria.



Start a Real Estate Investment Club

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

If you know you don’t have enough money to invest into the real estate market yourself, you can start a real estate investment club where you gather a group of investors that will put their funds into a real estate investment club and share the profit within themselves. You can benefit from the real estate sector by joining a team!

Real Estate Agent

“Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

This is quite profitable real estate business idea because most property finders rather hire the service of an agent to help them find a house. All, you have to do is just act as a middle person between buyers/tenants and sellers/landlord alike. You get paid a commission for every successful deal.

See also  What To Do When You Inherit A House in Nigeria


Construction Cleaning Company

“If we care and love our environment, it will return more to us”- Unknown

construction site

Many construction companies hire the services of construction cleaning company to come clean their sites after construction work is over. All you need is manpower and construction site cleaning equipment to be able to get this real estate business idea started.

House painting

Painting is a nail to which I fasten my ideas -Georges Braque

This business can never fade as far as people will always want their building to look beautiful. If you have painting skill, you can start this innovative business idea and make money from it. If you don’t know how to paint, all you have to do is watch some video tutorials on Youtube. You may also partner with interior decoration firms for referrals.


Plumbing Business

“A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.”- Arthur Baer


Every building requires plumbing and this is where plumbers get their money from. So, if you have plumbing skills then one of the real estate business ideas you can consider is to start your own plumbing business. You can also watch some videos on Youtube to improve on your skills.

See also  Questions to ask real estate developers

Electric Wiring Business

Electricity is really just organized lightning -George Carlin

The demand for electric wiring will always exist. So, if you have electrical skills, this is one innovative real estate market that you will have to consider. You can also watch some videos on Youtube to improve on your wiring skills.


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