History of Abeokuta, Population & Fun Things To Do

Abeokuta is the capital of Ogun state in the southwest region of Nigeria. It is often referred to as a rocky town because of its geographical position. Abeokuta is east of the Ogun River and north to Lagos by rail and water. The truth is, this place is not unknown to many.

Like most cities in Nigeria, Abeokuta has a rich history and culture. It is definitely one of the most popular Yoruba cities in Nigeria. There’s no doubt many things have been written on Abeokuta but there are a few things you might not know.

In the article, we would be discussing the history of Abeokuta, its population, fun things to do etc.


Abeokuta Map

History of Abeokuta

Before we begin and dive into history, it is important to note that the Abeokuta history is one which has been told over the years. It is like most historical stories told and passed down from generations to generations. That said, it is not uncommon to witness some omission in narrations.

However, there are certain things you should know about the history of Abeokuta. Abeokuta is regarded as the homeland of the Egbas. The name Abeokuta is a direct translation of “Under the rock”. It is as a result of the importance of Olumo rock in the town’s history.

According to history, the now Abeokuta was founded by Sodeke in 1830. He was the one who led the Egbas, who fled from the crumbling Oyo Empire to this area.  It was said that they hid under the famous Olumo rock. It was where they found refuge from those who were chasing them.

It is also important to know that, even though the first settler were Egbas, there are other tribes. After the Egbas had settled in Abeokuta, it was recorded that other tribes soon came to join. Also, after a decade or so, the Sierra Leone Creoles joined too. More people began to settle here, like the British Anglican and Baptist missionaries among others.

It was also recorded that after the settlements, there were occurrences of wars within and outside the area. One of the famous wars recorded was the Egba Dahomey war. The people experienced a good number of wars during its early and witnessed a significant amount of riots before it became the capital of Ogun state.


Population of Abeokuta

areas in abeokuta

The population of Abeokuta is over 449,088 inhabitants today. Abeokuta is no doubt the largest and most populous city in Ogun state. Though it is not surprising as it is home to more people when compared to other places in the state. The major tribe is Abeokuta is the Egbas though it is also home to diverse groups from all over the country.

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Despite the challenges faced by this part of the city, it has remained the go-to place for those within and outside. It is often applauded for its industrious culture and lifestyle. Aside from Ibadan which is often regarded as the hub of art gatherings, Abeokuta has had its own fair share art exposures

Another thing that you should note is, this part of the country is home to some of the notable sons of Nigeria. Some which include MKO Abiola, Wole Soyinka, Olusegun Obasanjo, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, Ebenezer Obey, Ernest Shonekan, Madam Tinubu, Tunde Bakare, Mudashiru Lawal, Segun Odegbami, Shina Peters among others.


Fun Things To Do In Abeokuta

Abeokuta is arguably the hub for fun seekers within Ogun state. It is host to a good number of tourist attractions and fun spots. Though there are a thousand and one things to do in Abeokuta, we have compiled a to-do list for you. Feel free to add yours.

Olumo Rock Abeokuta

Go To The Ake Arts and Book Festival

Abeokuta is among the top places with the most tourist attractions in Nigeria. That said, as mentioned earlier, its love for art is another thing that puts Abeokuta on the map.  Over the years, it has been host to many art gatherings and events.

The Ake Arts and Book Festival is one of the popular literary events in Abeokuta. It is definitely one of many reasons people visit this part of the country towards the end of the year. The yearly event is considered the biggest book festival in the country and one of the largest in Africa.

For every lover of art and literature in or around Abeokuta, it is one event you definitely want to make plans for. It is more than an avenue to share space with like minds, you also get to experience this rocky town in a new way.

The event, which is often 3-5 days, opens the city to a whole new experience as it welcomes both local and foreign tourist. The festival includes themes like book readings and discussions, art, dance and tours. Abeokuta has been host to the event for 5 years. However, it is important to note that this year’s Ake Arts and Book Festival would be held in Lagos.

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Relive The Old Abeokuta


The next on the list of fun things to do in Abeokuta is going back in time. Relax, it is not some sort of difficult time travel trick. If you are in the city and looking for some different, it’s best you relive the old Abeokuta.

Abeokuta is home to some of the relics of the colonial era. There are still few structures around the town that will interest you. Example are homes of the Saros or Creoles who migrated from Cuba and Brazil to Nigeria in the 19th and 20th century.

Another place you can visit is the centenary hall. The hall was built in 1950 as a symbolic representation of one hundred years of peace. You would definitely love to tour and explore the city. They are also good ideas for great Instagram photos. Cheers and go have fun!

Take A Tour To The Palace of Alake

A visit to the Palace of Alake is another fun thing to do in Abeokuta. In fact, it should be top of your list or maybe second. Ok, maybe not necessarily in a position, but you should visit this historical place.

The Palace of Alake is one of the top tourist attractions in Ogun state. The palace is home to the Alake of Egbaland. The Alake of Egbaland is the title of the ruler of the Egba people. The Palace is one of many structures that has lasted over the years.

At the entrance of the palace is the wordings “Alake Ti Ile Egba”.  It is open to visitors from far and wide. It is actually one of the go-to places to learn more about the history and culture of the Egbas.  Within the palace are relics of decades ago and arts.

In order to preserve this rich history, culture and art, a new palace was built behind the old one. At sight, its beauty always leaves visitor in awe.

Go Climbing At Olumo Rock

Olumo rock

Olumo Rock is located in Abeokuta and is definitely among the top of the tourist attractions in Nigeria. It is definitely the top tourist site in the state. This is where you are likely to have the best fun in the city if you enjoy hiking.

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This is the famous rock in which the town derived its name. Abeokuta, as mentioned earlier, literally means “under the rock”. The Olumo rock was the fortress for the Egbas during the inter-tribal wars of 19th century.

The particular part of Ogun state holds the rich history and culture of the Egbas. Hence, it is host to both local and international visitors who seek to learn about the town’s history.  There are enough activities you can do on the premises with lots of stores to shop from and eateries too.

In order to preserve this history, there are guides who are knowledgeable about the events. They tell these stories to visitors and climbers as they progress on each level on the rock. Before now, you could only reach the top by climbing. However, there has been a glass escalator for those who can’t climb. You should also know that the rock is 137 metres above sea level. Happy climbing!


Hotels in Abeokuta

There are chances that you are visiting for the first time or just for a while. Whichever your reasons are, you will definitely need a place to rest or sleepover if you don’t know someone here. Don’t stress yourself as there are enough hotels in Abeokuta.

Abeokuta also provides some of the finest hotel experience in the country. Another good thing about the hotels in Abeokuta is that they are relatively cheap, depending on your budget.

We have compiled a list of some of the luxurious and cheap hotels in Abeokuta;

Richton Hotel And Suites, Upright hotel, Aramis Hotel, Celia’s Suites, Hilltop Tavern, Jam-bed Hotel, Providence Hotel & Suite, Dagunro Suites, Tanfeani Guest House, Qube Hotel, Mitros Residences, Charity Hotels, Dam Syl Hotel, Starcity Hotel, Fajol Hotel, Peace Guest House, Royal Pavilion Hotel & suites,

Dikord Hotel and Events Centre, Mokland hotel, Ibd hotel, Daktad hotel Abeokuta etc.

If you have read without skipping, you should have an idea of Abeokuta if you have not visited the area. If you have, kindly share your views and experiences of Abeokuta with fellow readers.


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