Black is The New Beautiful

In terms of color palettes and hues to use, decorating your bedroom can be challenging and needing a lot of attention even if you have a clue on how to go about it much more when you don’t. This is because colors have an extraordinary effect on the perceptions of an individual and the feel of the space in general.

The black color may have come across your mind only to be shoved aside because it seems like too much of a risk but it is essential to note that this color can create a cuddly, classy  and attractive environment depending on how creative you are with it.

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Let us consider some black bedroom ideas which I think would help you when choosing a black bedroom design for any kind of bedroom in any apartment;


Black is the new Beautiful

1. When going with a black bedroom trend, it would be a bold step to paint all the walls of your bedroom black. The thought of doing that could make you nervous but you can get creative with it by painting two walls black, then the third white or vice versa. It still gives your bedroom walls a classy ambiance. Although, using black in a small bedroom can make it look smaller, you can counter this by painting your ceilings bright white and using light weight fabric for the window planes.

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2. The focal point of a black bedroom would be the furniture. It is not totally ideal to use black furniture in a room with black painted walls. Instead ,you can go with white or light green furniture to put a little brightness in the room.

Black is the new Beautiful

3. Instead of doing a black paint job in your bedroom, you can make use of black full-length curtains. mind you, the curtains should not be bulky for ventilation purposes. Having a black painted bedroom does not necessarily mean every detail in the bedroom should be black, it just implies that the black color should dominate your bedroom decor and features. It means that the other colors should be suppressed by creating focal points with the color, black.


4. An all- black themed bedroom can look like a dungeon or really scary if some other color themes are not brought into the picture. Some colors that go well with black themes include; blue, white, brown, cream, mint green, olive green, gray, pink. Ensure you use accessories that complement your color scheme to restrict the cave-like look that can be created with black if not careful. In setting focal points for your bedroom, use colorful fabrics, drapes, window slides, frames, artwork, cushions, throw pillows and vases.

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Black is the new beautiful

5. Afraid black walls would look depressing? Ensure you install bright lights in your black bedroom. Decorative ornaments, pictures and picture frames in bright shades would go along accentuating that black decor!

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6. There virtually is nothing as dramatic as black walls or a black themed bedroom. Black leaves a big impact so don’t go overboard with decorations. You would want to keep your bedroom simple yet stylish.

7. Beautiful black marble floors also can do just the trick by setting the mood for your room space. You can throw in some quality furniture and neutral window blinds as well.



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