5 Least Visited Countries In The World

Most times, when thinking of a location to visit for the first time, we naturally settle for popular tourist destinations. Not all countries get as many visits are others, you probably have never heard of some of the least visited countries either. One might begin to wonder, ‘’why should anyone consider travelling to some of the least visited countries?’’.

One thing that makes a trip to any of the least visited countries in the world interesting is that you get to tell stories about places only a few have been to. Annual data of tourism in different countries are collated by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). However, in most of these least visited countries, there is no provision for that.

For this article, we will be exploring some countries around the world and why they are least visited. Without further ado, here are the 5 least visited countries in the world. Enjoy your trips!


Kiribati: 6000 Annual Visits

Kibirat, least visited countries in the world

Kiribati is an isolated country with a total population of over 110,000. It is situated in the central Pacific Ocean and made up of 33 islands. It takes about 6 hours by air to Kiribati from Tarawa the capital city of the country. One of the reasons why Kiribati is among one of the least visited countries in the world is because of its location. It is difficult to get there as there are only a few flights that head that way.  There is also nothing much to catch your interest in the country asides from fishing.


South Sudan: 5500 Annual Visits

South Sudan, least visited countries in the world

South Sudan is also known as the Republic of South Sudan. In most cases, when this country is mention, what comes to mind is war and humanitarian crisis. A good number of citizens in South Sudan have experienced displacement, violence, drought, food shortage and lots more. This makes the country unsafe and among the least visited countries in the world.

Marshall Islands: 4600 Annual Visits

Marshall Island, least visited countries in the world

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is one of the island groups of Micronesia. During the 2011 census, the country recorded a total population of 53,158 persons and about 4,600 tourists visit annually. Getting affordable flights to the Marshall Islands can be quite difficult, the location of the country also discourages people from visiting.  However, if the tourist visits continue to increase, it just might no longer be one of the least visited countries in the world.

Tuvalu: 1400 Annual Visits

Tuvalu, least visited countries in the world

Tuvalu is an island situated between Hawaii and Australia. Tuvalu is a small country which is also quite difficult to access as only two flights are allowed in weekly. The aircraft runway doubles as a park and kids play football on it as well. Tuvalu is one of the least visited countries in the world

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Somalia: 400 Annual Visits

Somalia, least visited countries in the world

Sadly, Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world. It is one of those interesting countries where people look forward to visiting. Residents of Somalia suffer from armed conflicts. The country isn’t your everyday tourism destination as a result of the terrorism and increased crime rate. This makes Somalia one of the least visited countries in the world.

There you go, as much information as you need on countries that are the least visited in the world. Kindly share your thoughts with other readers


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