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5 Things unhappy workers do at work.

Having a Job you really hate is one of the worse decisions you can make especially when you aren’t looking to change your attitude towards work, being unhappy at work has a massive impact on your entire life.

Working a bad job? here are warning signs that if not fixed would lead to you losing your Job.


They do barely minimum

Unhappy employees don’t stretch beyond the required. They never break sales record or complete projects ahead of schedule. They are the always busy but never productive set at work, spending the entire day focused on their emotions rather than getting stuff done at work.

They are always complaining

Always seeing the worst part of things at work is a thing for the unhappy worker, from ” I’d make better money at another company”, “We don’t get enough break from work”, “why does finance put me through so much stress to just to get cash to run company errands?”.

Complaining is a hallmark of the unhappy worker and they are quick to tell others how awful the experience is.

 They make more mistakes

Because they never pay attention to work fully and never completely applying themselves to work and its requirements, unhappy employees make more mistakes frequently than happy employees, they either do it because they don’t care (it’s not my company is it?) or because it’s their own way of paying the company back.

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Hostility to others

They are quick to show anger, expressing their frustration with whoever they come in contact with especially those they can treat badly and get away with.

Always carrying over jobs from the previous day

Unhappy workers never bring themselves to complete all tasks per day, always willing to let today’s work spill into tomorrow.

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