Fittings and FixturesREAL ESTATE ADVICE

Cost of Roofing a House in Nigeria

A roof is part of a building that encloses it at the top. It provides protection from animals and natural elements (heat, cold). The word also denotes the framing or structure which supports that covering. House roofing in Nigeria can be as expensive and as cheap as it can be depending on the type and quality of materials used. 

The features of a roof are dependent on the purpose of the building that it covers. Specialised architects and engineers take an in-depth look at your site, structure, and surroundings, to come up with the best roofing designs that will best fit your structure while sticking to the original floor plan, cost, material, and weight of the roof element. The elements in the design of a roof are the following:

  • the material
  • the construction
  • the durability


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The cost of roofing may vary, depending on the materials that will be used. The roofing materials range from palm fronds, banana leaves, straw, to laminated glass, copper, and aluminium sheeting. Some types of roofing, for example, pantiles, are unstable on a steeply pitched roof but provide excellent weather protection at a relatively low angle. In regions where there is little rain, an almost flat roof with a slight run-off provides adequate protection against an occasional downpour. Drainpipes also remove the need for a sloping roof. The supporting structure of a roof usually comprises beams that are long and of strong, fairly rigid material such as a timer.

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Some factors need to be considered in choosing roofing materials.

  • Durability: A good roof must be able to serve its purpose for a long time. If leakages occur often, repairs have to be made. This costs more in the long run.
  • Purpose of the building: the reason for the building will also determine the kind of materials to use.
  • Shape of roofs : It differs greatly from region to region. The main factors which influence the shape of roofs are the climate and the materials available for roof structure and the outer covering. The basic shapes of roofs are flat, mono-pitched, arched and domed. In Nigeria, a flat-shaped roof is often used. Although there are variants of them.
  • Image result for images of roofs in nigeria

These are some of the materials used in roofing in Nigeria:

  • Rye Straw: It is commonly used on the farm to cover barns.
  • Raffia palm leaves: A well-organized raffia palm leaves are mainly used as roof houses in Nigeria especially among the Igbos living in rural areas.
  • Asbestos shingles: They have a very long lifespan and are fireproof. It used to be the most common roofing material in Nigeria, but now rarely used because of health concerns.
  • Shingle is the generic term for a roofing material that is in many overlapping sections, regardless of the nature of the material.
  • Asphalt shingle made of bitumen embedded in an organic or fiberglass mat, usually covered with colored, man-made ceramic grit. Cheaper than slate or tiles. The reduced cost of this particular style of roofing is especially apparent in its application and removal. Installation is very streamlined and a rapid process. The lifespan varies. It is advisable to use only on slanted roofs.
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Another factor to consider in roofing is the cost of the roofing materials. These are some types of roofs found in Nigeria and their cost:

Stone coated step-tiles roof –  2100

Onduvilla Roofing – 1300

Stone coated step-tiles roof  – 2100

Tower Aluminium, Longspan Roofing, Stone Coated Tiles – 1200

Fortiza roof tiles – 2900


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