
First 30 Days on PropertyPro as an Agent

When an Agent is initially onboarded on our platform, it takes a couple of days to go through how everything works on the platform. But we consider this is the best time to set your agency’s account up for immerse success. We’ve put together this brief guide on the things to do on your first 30 days on PropertyPro as an agent.

This doesn’t fully capture everything tiny detail. Some agents and agencies require special attention from our customer support team and are attended to with specific attention.

Here are the few things to do on your first 30 days as an agent or agency using the PropertyPro platform to reach clients and make sales.


Post a good number of properties

With each of the subscription plans, agents get a specific number of listing per month and we encourage agents to post as many properties as they have. This would boost views, and attract potential leads to your listings.

Learn how each of the tools and incentives work.

We have two posts on the blog explaining each of the subscription plans and what features they come with and another on how to make this most of your subscription plan. These would guide you in utilising your money, generating leads the easiest way and eventually making sales.

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Posting and boosting of properties regularly

To establish lasting brand presence, regular website visitors should be able to identify the brand name/logo easily.  This means that apart from posting properties regularly, you also need to boost as many times are allowed.

Regular use of push-up tool.

The push-Up tool re-advertises properties manually/automatically to improve its visibility. This tool pushes their property to the top of the other listings within its categories. This means, that if the property is a premium listing, the push-up tool pushes it to the top of all the premium properties.

At the end of the 30 days, we expect that agents should be able to do the following:

  • Agents should have no trouble posting properties themselves.
  • The functions of each tool (and incentive) for listings and properties should be understood by agents.
  • If agents frequently post listings online and make use of tools and incentives, their online presence should already be established.
  • Agents should know which tools work best for their properties because doing so provides you a market advantage.

Reach out to our customer service team for more information. They’re always available to give quality attention needed for all realtors and agencies beyond these 30 days.



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